Italy, March 19 -- Contract Id: 3150096

Description: Italy based GURALP SYSTEM LIMITED has secured contract from ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI OCEANOGRAFIA E DI GEOFISICA SPERIMENTALE - OGS for Seismic equipment. The value of the contract is worth 5547560 EUR.

Country: Italy

Sector: Industr

Contract awarded to GURALP SYSTEM LIMITED, Postal address: PIAZZA UNITA' D'ITALIA 7, Town: TRIESTE, Postcode: 34121, Country subdivision (NUTS): Trieste(ITH44), Country: Italy, Email:, Telephone: +39 0406724711, Internet address:

Contract awarded to executing agency: ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI OCEANOGRAFIA E DI GEOFISICA SPERIMENTALE - OGS, Town: SGONICO (TS), Postcode: 34010, Country subdivision...