Netherlands, Feb. 29 -- Contract Id: 3138193

Description: Netherlands based Fornuis aan huis has secured contract from Gemeente Dongen for Canteen and catering services. The value of the contract is worth 75075000 EUR.

Country: Netherlands

Sector: Industr

Contract awarded to Fornuis aan huis, Postal address: Kanaaldijk Noord 5-5h, Town: Dongen, Postcode: 5104BE, Country subdivision (NUTS): Midden-Noord-Brabant(NL412), Country: Netherlands, Email:, Telephone: +31 600000000

Contract awarded to executing agency: Gemeente Dongen, Town: Dongen, Postcode: 5104 JJ, Country subdivision (NUTS): Midden-Noord-Brabant (NL412), Country: Netherlands, Contact point: Annet Kennes, Email:, Telephone: +31 140162, Interne...