Poland, Feb. 29 -- Contract Id: 3138194

Description: Poland based Elzbieta Gorecka-Ordon Indywidualna Praktyka Lekarska has secured contract from Szpital Powiatowy im. Jana Mikulicza w Biskupcu for Hospital services. The value of the contract is worth 75360000 PLN.

Country: Poland

Sector: Industr

Contract awarded to Elzbieta Gorecka-Ordon Indywidualna Praktyka Lekarska, Postal address: ul. Tadeusza Kutrzeby6/7, Town: Olsztyn, Postcode: 11-693, Country subdivision (NUTS): Olsztynski(PL622), Country: Poland, Email: info@szpital-biskupiec.pl, Telephone: +48000000000

Contract awarded to executing agency: Szpital Powiatowy im. Jana Mikulicza w Biskupcu, Town: Biskupiec, Postcode: 11-300, Country subdivision (NUTS): Olsztynski (PL622), Count...