Germany, March 20 -- Contract Id: 3150990

Description: Germany based D.Schroer Metallbau has secured contract from Universitatsklinikum Munster for Metalworking. The value of the contract is worth 29757100 EUR.

Country: Germany

Sector: Industr

Contract awarded to D.Schroer Metallbau, Postal address: Himmelreichallee 40, Town: Munster, Postcode: 48149, Country subdivision (NUTS): Munster, Kreisfreie Stadt(DEA33), Country: Germany, Contact point: Vergabestelle, Email:, Telephone: +49 0000000000

Contract awarded to executing agency: Universitatsklinikum Munster, Town: Munster, Postcode: 48149, Country subdivision (NUTS): Munster, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA33), Country: Germany, Email:, ...