Spain, March 4 -- Contract Id: 3138982

Description: Spain based COMUNICACIONES MOVILES TERRESTRES SL has secured contract from Gobierno de La Rioja for Repair and maintenance services. The value of the contract is not disclosed.

Country: Spain

Sector: Industr

Contract awarded to COMUNICACIONES MOVILES TERRESTRES SL, Town: LOGROnO, Postcode: 26006, Country subdivision (NUTS): La Rioja(ES230), Country: Spain, Email: NOTIFICACIONES@CMTCOMUNICACIONES.ES, Telephone: 941501111

Contract awarded to executing agency: Gobierno de La Rioja, Town: Logrono, Postcode: 26071, Country subdivision (NUTS): La Rioja (ES230), Country: Spain, Email:, Telephone: 941291100

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