Poland, March 4 -- Contract Id: 3138983

Description: Poland based BTL POLSKA Sp. z o. o. has secured contract from Gornoslaskie Centrum Medyczne im. prof. Leszka Gieca slaskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach for Miscellaneous medical devices and products, Medical equipments, 33124100 Diagnostic devices. The value of the contract is not disclosed.

Country: Poland

Sector: Industr

Contract awarded to BTL POLSKA Sp. z o. o., Postal address: ul. Postepu 17a, Town: Warszawa, Postcode: 02-676, Country subdivision (NUTS): Miasto Warszawa(PL911), Country: Poland, Email: odwolania@uzp.gov.pl, Telephone: +22 4587801, Internet address: www.uzp.gov.pl

Contract awarded to executing agency: Gornoslaskie Centrum Medyczne im. prof. Leszka Gieca ...