Poland, March 19 -- Poland based BGK SERWIS S.C. PPHU ELEKTRO-TECHNICZNE Z.Kaleta , J.Buchta has secured contract from Skarb Panstwa Generalny Dyrektor Drog Krajowych i Autostrad ul. Wronia 53 00-874 Warszawa Prowadzacy postepowanie: Generalna Dyrekcja Drog Krajowych i Autostrad Oddzial w Opolu. ul. Niedzialkowskiego 6 for Repair, Maintenance and Associated Services Related to Roads and Other Equipment - maintenance and maintenance of traffic lights, active signs and lighting points (lighting) during national roads administered by GDDKiA O/Opole region in Opole. The value of the contract is worth 59525850 PLN.

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