Germany, Feb. 26 -- Contract Id: 3131540

Description: Germany based Bestatterservice Hallmann has secured contract from Hamburger Friedhofe -AoR- for Funeral and related services. The value of the contract is not disclosed.

Country: Germany

Sector: Industr

Contract awarded to Bestatterservice Hallmann, Postal address: Gansemarkt 36, Town: Hamburg, Postcode: 20354, Country subdivision (NUTS): Hamburg(DE600), Country: Germany, Contact point: Abteilung 42, Email:, Telephone: +49 40428231690

Contract awarded to executing agency: Hamburger Friedhofe -AoR-, Town: Hamburg, Postcode: 22337, Country subdivision (NUTS): Hamburg (DE600), Country: Germany, Contact point: Beschaffung und Logistik, Email: bl@friedhof-hamb...