Croatia, March 19 -- Contract Id: 3149176

Description: Croatia based B.Braun Adria d.o.o. has secured contract from KLINIKA ZA DJEcJE BOLESTI ZAGREB for Medical solutions. The value of the contract is not disclosed.

Country: Croatia

Sector: Industr

Contract awarded to B.Braun Adria d.o.o., Postal address: Savski gaj XIII. 6, Town: Zagreb, Postcode: 10020, Country subdivision (NUTS): Grad Zagreb(HR050), Country: Croatia, Contact point: EOJN Helpdesk, Email:, Telephone: +385 16652889, Internet address:

Contract awarded to executing agency: KLINIKA ZA DJEcJE BOLESTI ZAGREB, Town: Zagreb, Postcode: 10000, Country subdivision (NUTS): Grad Zagreb (HR050), Country: Croatia, Contact point: Nikolina Pintar, mag.oec...