Poland, March 11 -- Contract Id: 3144989

Description: Poland based ANDRZEJ PASZENDA ZUPIL SP.J. has secured contract from Skarb Panstwa Panstwowe Gospodarstwo Lesne Lasy Panstwowe Nadlesnictwo Rudy Raciborskie for Forestry services. The value of the contract is worth 308830486 PLN.

Country: Poland

Sector: Industr

Contract awarded to ANDRZEJ PASZENDA ZUPIL SP.J., Postal address: ul. Rudzka 285, Town: Rybnik, Postcode: 44-200, Country subdivision (NUTS): Rybnicki(PL227), Country: Poland, Contact point: ANDRZEJ PASZENDA ZUPIL, Email: biuro@zupil.pl, Telephone: 609160000

Contract awarded to executing agency: Skarb Panstwa Panstwowe Gospodarstwo Lesne Lasy Panstwowe Nadlesnictwo Rudy Raciborskie, Town: Rudy, Postcode: 47-430, Country subdiv...