RAIPUR, Dec. 2 -- Chhattisgarh Deputy Chief Minister T.S. Singh Deo on Friday said a decision on who will be the Chief Minister if the Congress retains power has been left to the High Command since discussion on the issue within the state causes strain.

Talking to the media, Singh Deo said this decision was taken by him and Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel at a core committee meeting held recently.

Chhattisgarh in-charge Selja Kumari, Speaker Charandas Mahant, Ministers Tamradhwaj Sahu and Shiv Kumar Daharia as well as PCC chief Deepak Baij attended the meeting, he said.

Singh Deo said: "In the last five years, our experience related to two-and-a-half years was not good. We decided unanimously that what the High Command decides is final. We...