BHOPAL, May 22 -- The Crime branch Bhopal and Gandhinagar police arrested accused involved in murder of Mandal Vice President of BJP on May 17.

In the incident on May 17 at around 05.30 pm, Vikas Verma, resident of TT Nagar, Bhopal along with his friends Ishu Khare and Surendra Kushwaha had come to drop Ishu Khare's brother Satish Khare (after parole was over) to the Central Jail.

In front of the Central Jail, they were attacked with deadly weapons by Sandesh Narvare, Akash, Chhota Faizal and Dipanshu Sen and others, in which both the victims were admitted to the hospital.

In the crime a case under section 307 and 34 IPC was registered and taken up for investigation, where Surendra Kushwaha died during treatment in AIIMS Hospital, on whi...