India, March 2 -- Delhi's per capita income increased 22 per cent in two years to Rs 4.61 lakh in 2023-24, registering a growth of 7.39 per cent, over the previous year, according to the Economic Survey of Delhi 2023-24 tabled in the Delhi Assembly on Friday. The Per Capita Income of Delhi at constant prices estimated at Rs 258941 in 2022-23 as compared to Rs 244024 in 2021-22. At the same time, the Capital's outstanding debt of Rs 40017.55 crore as on 31.03.2023, resulting in debt GSDP(gross state domestic product ) ratio to 3.94 per cent. The state government had an outstanding debt of Rs 32080.31 Crore in 2013-14, which was equal to 6.48 per cent of its GSDP.
Delhi Finance Minister Atishi tabled the Economic Survey of Delhi 2023-24 in t...