Bhubaneswar, Feb. 12 -- The buzz around Ramayana and its star cast has been escalating ever since Nitesh Tiwari announced the movie. Now the latest buzz is that megastar Amitabh Bachchan has been approached for the role of King Dashratha. If this buzz is true and Big B does give his nod to this mega-flick then naturally the anticipation for Ramayana will escalate to a new level.

King Dashratha or Nemi (as was his original name) plays a major role in shaping the first part of Ramayana. It is his curse, love for Ram, and promises given to his third queen Kaikeyi that were instrumental in sending Ram to vanvas. Amitabh Bachchan with his towering personality and voice with rich baritone timbre will be just perfect in this role.

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