Bhubaneswar, Jan. 6 -- The Ramayana is one of the most beloved epic of all time that has influenced masses irrespective of religious boundaries. From the tales of a prince who fights asuras or evils, to a son who willingly accepts 14 years of exile to keep father's promise, the legend has something to offer for everyone. Thus, over the years many films have taken inspiration from the epic with some traditional and modern touches. First: Sampoorna Ramayana- The 1961 movie is a retelling of the entire Ramayana that was directed by Bahubhai Mistry and features several renowned artists like Mahipal, Anita Guha, Sulochana Latkar, Helen and Lalita Pawar. Second: Kalyug aur Ramayan- This is a modern day version of Ramayan where Lord Hanuman take...