Bhubaneswar, June 5 -- The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), led by its Central leadership, had unleashed attacks on the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) over two major issues including the missing 'Ratna Bhandar' key and opening of all four dwaras (doors) of Puri Srimandir during their 2024 poll campaigning in Odisha. With the saffron party all set to form the government in the State with a thumping majority, devotees, servitors of Lord Jagannath and the people of Odisha have become very much hopeful about the possibilities materialising soon.

All four doors of Srimandir have not been opened since the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, Ratna Bhandar was last opened in April 2018.

Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, BJP National President JP Nadda and other senior BJ...