Imphal, March 18 -- A team of Manipur police's bomb detection and disposal squad on getting a WhatsApp message rushed to the residence of the president of the Federation of Civil Society Organisations (FOCS) Manipur on Sunday night.

When the team arrived at the spot, they established that an unexploded hand grenade was found lying inside the residence of the FOCS, president Thoidingjam Manihar at Kongba Kshetri Leikai under the Irilbing police station in Imphal east district at around 9:30 pm on Sunday.

The bomb was disposed of at the riverbed of Irinbul Kalika foothills at around 11:40 pm on the same day.

So far no outfit or anybody claims responsibility for the action.

However, Irilbung police station got the information first and l...