Guwahati, May 22 -- A former state-level woman cricketer and a mountaineer from Arunachal Pradesh- Kabak Yano has made history by becoming the first woman from the Nyishi tribe to successfully climb Mount Everest, the world's highest peak at 8,848.86 meters.

In the quest, she has also become the youngest female from the Northeastern region of the country to achieve this amazing feat.

According to reports she reached the summit at 11:50 am, on Tuesday (May 21) along with fellow climbers Babu Sherpa, Ngima Dorjee Sherpa, Subash Rai, Lakpa Nurbu Sherpa, and Shere Sherpa from Nepal.

In the also Yano who resides in Kamle district, become the fifth woman from Arunachal Pradesh to achieve this magnificent feat.

Peak Promotion, a government-r...