New Delhi, Nov. 15 -- A New York Times article spells out the rather fascinating story of Andre-Francois Raffray (read here: Raffray made a deal with a 90-year-old French lady, Jeanne Calment, agreeing to pay her 2,500 francs per month till the day she died in exchange for getting her apartment on her death. Raffray thought he was getting a good deal. How long would a 90-year-old woman live after all? However, Calment survived to an astonishing 120 years, entering the Guinness Book of World Records and outliving Raffray himself, who died at the age of 77. The latter also had to shell out about 900,000 francs, far more than he could have possibly imagined.

The life expectancy of Indians has increased from 49.7 years in 197...