Kolkata, April 4 -- The husband of a member of a Trinamool Congress-lead Panchayat in Nadia district was hacked to death on Wednesday night.

According to sources, Sagira Bibi, a member of the Panchayat at Nakashipara in Nadia went shopping ahead of Eid along with her husband Zahidul Sheikh, their seven-year-old son and a family friend. After shopping, they were returning home in their car which was being driven by Zahidul. Just ahead of his home, Zahidul reportedly spotted that the road was blocked using a chopped tree.

Reportedly, as soon as he stopped the car, about 10 miscreants surrounded the vehicle and allegedly started hurling bombs. The miscreants also started stabbing Zahidul using a sharp weapon.

When Sagira and her family friend tried to stop the miscreants, they assaulted them before fleeing.

Meanwhile, local residents came out hearing the bomb explosions. They rushed Zahidul and others to Bethuadahri Hospital where he was declared brought dead.

It is alleged that Congress and CPI(M) are behind the attack. However, the leadership of both parties denied the charges and alleged that the attack was the outcome of an infighting.

Published by HT Digital Content Services with permission from Millennium Post.