NOIDA, March 14 -- A high rise residential complex in Noida has implemented a restriction on overnight stays for bachelor guests in the homes of tenants.

The new policy, issued by the Apartment Owners Association (AOA) board at Supreme Tower Society in Sector 99, mandates that tenants must notify and obtain permission from the AOA when hosting bachelor guests overnight. Failure to comply will result in the guest being barred from entering the society premises.

The directive has sparked protests among society tenants, who argue that it infringes their privacy and rights. "Such an order is against our privacy. After a proper security check at the main gate and residential tower, guests come to our flats. There is a record of their vehicle and themselves entered in the register. While nuisance from anyone is not allowed but banning overnight stays for guests is not right," said Shailendra Singh, a resident of the society.

As per the order accessed by Millennium Post, the AOA board has introduced additional regulations, as outlined in the order. These include the removal of unused vehicles, enforcing a drug ban, prohibition of smoking in communal areas, ensuring pet owner responsibilities for maintaining cleanliness, and imposition of a speed limit of 10 km per hour for vehicles within the society.

Secretary of the society's AOA, Sarvendra Singh Kushwaha, mentioned that the copy of these directives have been circulated among all residents, allowing them to register any grievances they may have.

"The new policy regarding bachelor guests has been formulated but not yet enforced. The AOA has circulated copies of the policy to all residents. The rule aims to enhance security, but residents with concerns are encouraged to lodge complaints with the AOA Board for resolution during board meetings," said society AOA in a statement.

In 2022, a comparable ban was rescinded following protests within the Emerald Court society in Noida. The AOA had initially imposed a ban on renting flats to bachelors. However, in response to the protests, the AOA revised its policy, allowing bachelors to rent flats within the society only after undergoing police verification.

Published by HT Digital Content Services with permission from Millennium Post.