Kuala Lampur, Oct. 28 -- We are what we eat. And sometimes we are what we don't get to eat.

Let me explain.

So I have a favourite chicken rice stall. Everyone has one; if it's not chicken rice, it's nasi lemak or roti canai.

It's like those lines from the 1980s TV sitcom Cheers: "Sometimes you want to go/Where everybody knows your name/And they're always glad you came."

Except here, your name will be shortened to "Lengzai" or "Macha" which is possibly even more endearing.

But with every beautiful cloud comes a dark lining. Having a favourite chicken rice stall can be an obsession, and as with every obsession, comes the inevitable disappointment when you don't get what you crave.

Allow me to introduce my gym buddy, Chai. He loves the...