KUALA LUMPUR, March 6 -- The Auditor-General's Report (LKAN) on the financial statements of federal agencies for the year 2022 revealed Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT) reported a total revenue of RM0.653 billion in the fiscal year 2022, representing an increase of RM0.139 billion or 27 per cent from the previous year's figure of RM0.514 billion.

According to the report, LTAT also witnessed a hike in the net profit, reaching RM0.433 billion in 2022, reflecting a 13.1 per cent increase compared to the RM0.383 billion recorded in 2021.

"In 2022, LTAT distributed dividends to contributors, totalling RM0.476 billion (5 per cent), utilising both the net profit and accumulated gains," the report said.


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