Ruling Planet, Jan. 27 -- Saturn and Uranus (Rahu according to some schools of thought) Energy Polarity: Yang/Masculine Element: Air Quality: Fixed Anatomy: Shins and Ankles Metal: : Uranium Gemstone: Garnet and Amethyst Colour: Electric Blues and Neon Tones The dawning of the age of Aquarius zodiac sign

Aquarius is a bit of an odd duck, and they're kind of proud about it. You see, most signs are ruled by one planet, while a few special ones are ruled by two - Aquarius is ruled by three. Granted, Rahu isn't really a planet - it's more a mathematical point used to calculate eclipses - but it does indeed help Aquarius have that cool unassuming glamour that would make even Leo and Libra burn with envy.

Rahu also makes Aquarius a rebel. Gra...