Sri Lanka, March 8 -- In this exclusive interview, we sit down with Dr. Lanka, Jayasuriya Dissanayake a prominent figure in the healthcare industry including the esteemed Indira Cancer Trust. As we celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th, we delve into the pivotal role of women in healthcare and broader societal settings. We explore the intersectionality of gender, financial class, ethnicity, and geography in shaping women's healthcare experiences and empowerment.

Read on as we unravel the intricacies of women's roles and rights in healthcare, guided by Dr. Lanka's expertise and dedication to promoting inclusivity and progress.

Words - Sachini Perera

How do you see women's role in creating good change in healthcare, particularly on International Women's Day, as a prominent person in the industry and leader in multiple organizations?

On this Women's Day on 8 March it is so important to acknowledge the pivotal role than women play in not only healthcare but also in making a difference in society. Women are often the primary caregivers in families and communities, bringing unique perspectives that influence healthcare policies, practices, and our broader worldview. As a leader in organizations like the Indira Cancer Trust, which is led by women, we advocate for change in healthcare, amplifying women's voices and pushing for policies that benefit everyone.

Published by HT Digital Content Services with permission from Lanka Woman.