NEW DELHI, Feb. 5 -- The Government of India issued the following news release:

The Government of India (GoI) has announced the sale (re-issue) of (i) "7.37% Government Security 2028" for a notified amount of Rs. 7,000 crore (nominal) through price based auction using uniform price method, (ii) "7.18% Government Security 2033" for a notified amount of Rs. 16,000 crore (nominal) through price based auction using uniform price method and (iii) "7.30% Government Security 2053" for a notified amount of Rs.10,000 crore (nominal) through price based auction using multiple price method. GoI will have the option to retain additional subscription up to Rs. 2,000 crore against each security mentioned above. The auctions will be conducted by the Rese...