NEW DELHI, Aug. 1 -- A faint breeze around the UN building in New York had all the world flags slightly swaying, except the Indian flag who moved more vigorously, "Hurrah!" she shouted.

"What's with the hurrah stuff?" asked the American flag stiffly, "You feeling you're back home, with this terrible New York heatwave?"

"Nah!" beamed the Indian flag, "I've just heard that now I can be flown both day and night, and in any home, anywhere in my country! Just like you're flown here!"

"I must say that's going to make your country quite a colorful sight!" smiled the British flag, "Saffron, white and green all over, that's gonna look pretty!"

"It won't happen," said the Chinese flag gruffly, its red background growing redder, "Unless your gov...