Manipur, July 5 -- Summer of 1978,I remember;

As a boy for tuition I went,

It was late evening,

The sun had set,

When I returned home,

Dark already it was.

How fireflies lit my way,

Among the bushes and trees,

The fireflies,my friend,

Were on their wings,

To light up my path.

Like the fireflies,

Education light up my way,

Untaught and unlearned,

How dismal I'd be,

My mind can see light,

Because of education.

My friend,as the fireflies

Lit up my way,

Education light up my life.

Now, no Firefly I can see,

By electric bulbs the night is lit,

No bushes and trees there are,

Wide is the road,

Lined along by buildings,

And lit up by electric lamps.

But Ah! My friend,

The sweetness of the fireflies,

And the bushes and ...