New Delhi, May 22 -- The Indian army has "explored epic battles of the Mahabharata" and also the "strategic brilliance" of the "Mauryas, Guptas, and Marathas" that have shaped "India's rich military heritage" as part of an initiative called Project Udbhav (evolution) that aims to make the force "progressive and future-ready, by drawing insights from the nation's historical military wisdom", army chief Manoj Pande said on Tuesday. He was speaking at a conference titled "Historical Patterns in Indian Strategic Culture" organised by India's oldest think-tank founded in 1870, United Service Institution (USI), and spoke about the Indian Army's Project Udbhav launched by defence minister Rajnath Singh last year that aimed to incorporate learnings from the Mahabharata, Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads, and Arthashastra....