New Delhi, Oct. 23 -- Popular opinion about AI and robotics has been shaped to a large extent by fantastical science fiction-based literature and cinema. The Matrix, for instance, takes us into a dystopian world where humans are controlled by a massive artificial intelligence system that has taken control of their brains. Or take the case of The Terminator, which imagines a futuristic world where Artificial Intelligence has taken over the earth and views humans as a threat. While we don't need to worry about any imminent AI takeover a la Matrix, one cannot deny that AI is set to have a profound influence on our lives in the decades to come. In our day to day lives, we've experienced AI to some extent - may be in the form of Netflix's powerful recommendation engine or Chatbots on your bank's website or smart replies on your Gmail. While all this is great, there is a legitimate concern that automation and robotics will upend entire industries and leave millions unemployed....