Sri Lanka, Oct. 30 -- Today is Vap Poya (Vap Pura Pasalosvaka Full Moon Poya Day). Also known as the Vas (rain) season - this is a period of retreat where the monks stay indoors in their monastaries.The rainy season commenced three months ago with Esala - 'Vassana Kalo'. It comes to an end with the Vap Poya. The 'Katina' season ushers in the Buddhist calendar with Vap, which is popularly known as 'Cheevara Masaya'. Vap Poya marks the offering of the 'Katina Cheevara' or new robes to Buddhist monks, who observed 'Vas' - Rainy Retreat, beginning from Esala to Vap. Vap Poya was significant even during the life and times of Lord Buddha. It was on such a day that the Buddha ended a 'Vas' retreat for the seventh time since attaining Enlightenme...