India, Aug. 14 -- Actor-model Natasa Stankovic and cricketer Hardik Pandya announced their separation last month. Now, eagle-eyed Reddit users think that Hardik Pandya 'is having a fling' with Jasmin Walia. Several of them even posted separate pictures of the duo from the same place in Greece, saying that they are on a vacation together. (Also Read | Natasa Stankovic shares post on 'getting a new name' after separation from Hardik Pandya)

A British singer and television personality, Jasmin has released songs in English, Punjabi and Hindi. In 2017, she released her single Bom Diggy with Zack Knight, and it was a hit. She first worked in the reality TV series, The Only Way Is Essex (2010). She started a YouTube channel in February 2014 and...