RAIPUR, April 6 -- Three suspected Maoists were on Saturday morning killed in an encounter by security forces in a dense forest in Bijapur district near the shared border of Chhattisgarh and Telangana, taking the number of insurgents killed thus far this year to 50, up from 22 in all of 2023, and indicting a significant surge in aggression - from both state forces and the Maoists.

This is the second significant encounter in the district in a week after 10 Maoists were killed on Tuesday, and follows a series of confrontations between the extremists and security forces in the state.

On Saturday, Chhattisgarh police said the gunfight started around 5.30am in Pujari Kanker forests where a team of Greyhounds, a Telangana special counter-insu...