India, Aug. 9 -- Actor Sanjay Dutt, who was scheduled to star in Son of Sardaar 2, was recently dropped from the film after his UK visa was rejected. Speaking with Bombay Times, now, Sanjay has criticised the move calling it a 'wrong' one. He also questioned why the visa was given to him first and then rejected. (Also Read | Sanjay Dutt dropped from Son of Sardaar 2 after his UK visa application was rejected over arrest in 1993: Report)

Sanjay said, "I know one thing that the UK government did not do the right thing. They gave me the Visa (initially). Waha (in the United Kingdom) sab payment hogaye the (All payment was done in the UK). Everything was ready. Then a month later you are cancelling my Visa! I gave you (the UK government) all...