Chandigarh, April 5 -- Police on Monday booked an unidentified person for making away with Rs.25,000 and a mobile phone from a cabin installed inside a public toilet at Timber Market, Sector 26. The complainant Milan Devi, a resident of Sector 26 who works at the toilet, told police "On March 27, around 2.30 am, when I came into my cabin, I found my belongings scattered. When I checked, Rs.25,000 and a mobile phone was missing." A case under Sections 457(lurking, house trespass), 380 (theft in dwelling house) of the Indian Penal Code was registered at the Sector 26 police station.
Two held with stolen scooter
Chandigarh Police on Monday arrested two men allegedly driving a stolen scooter using fake registration number plate. The accused...
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