India, May 22 -- From comedian Kunal Kamra to filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj, from professors (past and present) of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) to faculty from universities abroad, people from different walks of life have contributed to the crowdfunding drive launched by Congress candidate from northeast Delhi Kanhaiya Kumar to finance his campaign. Kumar is up against the two-time and incumbent MP from the BJP, Manoj Tiwari.

Till 9.30pm on Tuesday, the drive had raised Rs.48,98,451 which is 53% of the amount the goal set, i.e, Rs.92,50,000, with two days left for the campaign to conclude.

Vishal Bhardwaj, Kunal Kamra among contributors to Kanhaiya Kumar's campaign

While launching the campaign on an online platform last...