India, March 24 -- March 20, 2024, marked the tenth death anniversary of Khushwant Singh (KS). To commemorate this occasion, his son, Rahul Singh, along with Bhaichand Patel, the ever-green octogenarian known for his conviviality, loyalty to friends, and memorable parties - as also his close friendship with Rahul - invited friends and admirers of KS. Vikramjit Sahney, entrepreneur, philanthropist, educationist, and an MP in the Rajya Sabha representing the Aam Aadmi Party, was a co-host too. Vikramjit knew KS well. One of his passions is Sufi music, which he sings as well. That evening, accompanied by a band, he regaled the audience with songs of Bulle Shah and Shiv Batalvi.

Bhaichand's large lawn in Sujan Singh Park in Lutyens Delhi was...