India, Aug. 5 -- Shraddha Kapoor is currently busy with the pre-release promotions of her upcoming horror-comedy Stree 2. However, it seems all is not well in the actor's personal life. Shraddha's Instagram following list indicates the Stree 2 star has unfollowed her rumoured beau Rahul Mody along with his family and even his pet dog. Internet users reacted to a Reddit claim which shows Rahul's name missing from her Instagram 'following' list. (Also read: Aayi Nai: Bhojpuri singer Pawan Singh on board for follow-up to Aaj Ki Raat)

A user jokingly commented, "Rumour has it that she knocked his room's door few days ago but he texted her 'O Stree kal aana (Stree, come tomorrow)." Another user wrote, "Unfollowing the dog is a little too much...