India, May 12 -- In scorching summer heat, Savita Ramesh Singhadiya, 36, is at a village hand pump to fetch water as Jal Nal Scheme is yet to reach Gadwadiya village, 4 km from district headquarter. But, the biggest concern for this illiterate mother of three is high prices of silver.

"Phooljadi (term used for the Bharatiya Janata Party) has increased price of silver to Rs.80,000 per kg. How will I solemnise marriage of my three children," she said, echoing concern of many women in the tribal Lok Sabha seats of Madhya Pradesh's Ratlam, Dhar and Khargone, where more than 50% population is of tribals.

About 100 km south, Shivani Rathore (Bhil), 29, a resident of Himmatgarh village in Dhar, and Rama Bheel, 41, of Bhavra town in Alirajpur, ...