Lucknow, June 29 -- After delivering a cent per cent performance by winning both the Lok Sabha seats it contested in Uttar Pradesh, the Rashtriya Lok Dal led by Jayant Chaudhary is pushing for a bigger role in the assembly by-polls to 10 seats to be held later this year.

The party is learnt to be negotiating to contest three seats in alliance with the BJP as a component of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) in the state.

The RLD, according to party insiders, is eyeing the Khair assembly seat in Aligarh and Ghaziabad or Kundarki in Moradabad.

The RLD's Chandan Chauhan, who was the sitting MLA from Meerapur, won the Bijnor Lok Sabha seat as the NDA candidate. The RLD had won the Meerapur assembly seat in 2022 in alliance with the SP....