India, Dec. 7 -- Ranbir Kapoor-starrer Animal, directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga of Kabir Singh fame, has comfortably crossed the Rs.500 crore mark at the worldwide box office in six days of its release. As per early estimates indicated in a report on, the film added another Rs.30 crore to its domestic collection on Wednesday. This takes its India collection to Rs.312.96 crore. Also read: Did Animal team take a dig at Swanand Kirkire for criticising the film? Fans think Vanga himself is behind it

The report states Animal had 34.88 percent Hindi occupancy, 25.67 percent Telugu occupancy and 18.95 percent Tamil occupancy on Wednesday. Animal had opened in theatres on December 1 alongside Vicky Kaushal's Sam Bahadur. After a massi...