India, March 2 -- From a leafy corner in the Central Delhi, the Congress party's war room, or its operational centre for election preparations, has shifted to the heart of Lutyens' Delhi, a bungalow next to Khan Market.

This is the first change of address of the war room in 18 years. In the run-up to the 2004 Lok Sabha elections, the Congress leaders operated from 99 South Avenue. Sometime in 2006, the 15 Gurdwara Rakabganj Road (GRG) bungalow became the party's war room.

Bungalow number 15 was allotted to the party's Rajya Sabha MP Pradip Bhattacharyya, who retired in August last year, forcing the Congress to search for a new address for its war room. Its search seems to have ended in a two-storied bungalow at C 1/10, Subramania Bharti...