NACHINOLA, Feb. 24 -- For over 24 hours Javed Sadekar's wife has been hoping that the Lord will intercede and grant a miracle - get her husband back. Sadekar was flung off the Mandovi bridge and into the river when a reckless rent-a-car tourist, crashed into Sadekar's motorcycle, catapulting the father of three (aged 3, 6 and 11) into the river and his family into darkness.

There is anxiety, hope, fear, a sense of loss, but no closure. The family is in a deep state of shock. They are hoping against hope, that their dearest son, husband and father be found.

Martina Carrasco, sister-in-law of Javed said, "The family is broken, but we are still hoping for the best. The children know the father is missing, but they are too small to understa...