U.S., April 26 -- ClinicalTrials.gov registry received information related to the study (NCT06386744) titled 'Dusquetide for the Treatment of Behcet's Disease' on April 23.

Brief Summary: This is a clinical study to see if dusquetide can treat flares of oral and genital ulcers caused by Behcet's Disease. Study participants will receive an infusion of dusquetide twice a week for 4 weeks (8 treatments total), with weekly follow-up visits for an additional 4 weeks.

Study Type: Interventional

Condition: Behcet Disease

Intervention: Drug: Dusquetide

1.5 mg/mL dusquetide administered as a 4 minute IV infusion, twice per week for 4 weeks

Other Names: * SGX945

* SGX942

Recruitment Status: Not Yet Recruiting

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