Liberia, Feb. 8 -- KAKATA-Team Kakata, a non-for-profit organization comprising citizens and former residents of Kakata City residing in the United States, on Saturday, February 3, 2024, donated 155 bags of 25kg rice to several underprivileged and vulnerable groups in Kakata, Margibi County.

By Yawah Y. Jaivey

The rice was distributed among the aged, visually impaired, widows, and disabled people of 14th Road Community, Buzzi Quarter Community, Bassa Community, and orphanages including the Peter W. Sayklon and Christian Children Ministries.

Presenting the donation, Team Kakata special committee head, Gaye D. Sleh, Jr. on behalf of the group membership and head Mrs. Yassah Kortu Dennis, said this year's rice distribution is part of the ...