Dhangadhi, May 16 -- Sudurpaschim Chief Minister Dirgha Bahadur Sodari on Thursday secured the confidence of the provincial assembly during a meeting that opposition parties snubbed.

Speaker Bhim Bahadur Bhandari announced that the trust motion tabled by the chief minister received 28 votes in the 53-member assembly.

The chief minister was supported by 11 lawmakers from the CPN-UML, ten from the CPN (Maoist Centre), four from the CPN (Unified Socialist), two from the Nagarik Unmukti Party, and one independent lawmaker.

The support of 27 members is required to command a majority in the provincial assembly.

Lawmakers from the Congress, Resham Chaudhary faction of the Nagarik Unmukti and Rastriya Prajatantra Party walked out of the meeti...