Kathmandu, Oct. 14 -- Ayurvedic medicines containing heavy metals-arsenic, lead, and mercury-in excessive amounts have been found to be sold throughout the country for months.

Mahayograjguggul of batch SB0371, Prabal Bhasma of batch SB0115, Ekangavir Ras of batch SB0196, Vtagajankush Ras of batch SB 0190, Mahabata Bignasan Ras of batch SB0106, Vrit Batachintamani Ras of batch SB 0244and Vrit Batachintamani Ras of batch SB 0244 (all ayurvedic medicines) manufactured by Dabur India Ltd and imported by Dabur Nepal Pvt Ltd were found containing excessive amounts of heavy metal.

However, the Department of Drug Administration, which is the national regulatory body of the drug market, has not recalled those medicines from the market, even thou...