Surkhet, April 10 -- Newly appointed Karnali Chief Minister Yam Lal Kandel on Wednesday took an oath of office and secrecy.

Province Head Tilak Pariyar administered the oath of office and secrecy to Kandel amid a function at the Surkhet-based Office of the Province Head.

Province Head Pariyar appointed Kandel, who is UML's provincial assembly leader, to the position on Tuesday after he staked a claim to lead a new government.

Kandel presented his claim for the chief ministerial position with the support of 23 provincial assembly members. Kandel has the backing of 13 lawmakers of the CPN (Maoist Centre), nine of the UML and one of the CPN (Unified Socialist).

Support of 21 members is needed to command a majority in the 40-member assemb...