Nepal, March 2 -- The coincidence of the famous musician and singer Bhakta Raj Acharya's death at 81 and the 86th anniversary of the musical maestro Amber Gurung occurring the same day, 26 February 2024, struck me. This becomes more eloquent when we evoke one musical event in 1973.

The Wikipedia text says, "Acharya won the gold medal in an All Nepal Song Competition held by Radio Nepal in 1973" for the song Hosiyar, yes bakhat samayako mukhalai china or "Beware and recognise the true face of time at this juncture." The composer and writer of the song, Gurung, also received a gold medal. According to musicians Aavaas Phuyal and Kishore Gurung (son of Gurung), that was Acharya's first recorded song. After that, he got a job at Radio Nepal,...