India, April 17 -- As of March 2020, 36.20% is owned by Indian Promoters and 63.80% by Public.

Institutional holds 33.85% (Foreign Portfolio Investors 26.97%, Financial Institutions 0.24% and Mutual Funds 2.17%) and Non-Institutional holds 29.97% as Public shareholders.

Top five Promoters holding highest number of shares of Neuland Laborat company are Ramamohan Rao Davuluri (32.03 lakhs shares / 24.97%), Davuluri Vijaya Rao (6.13 lakhs shares / 4.78%), Davuluri Sucheth Rao (3.28 lakhs shares / 2.56%), Davuluri Saharsh Rao (2.53 lakhs shares / 1.98%) and Davuluri Rohini Niveditha Rao (1.63 lakhs shares / 1.27%).

Out of 46.44 lakhs shares, Promoters of Neuland Laborat Company has over 2.00 lakhs (4.30%) shares on pledge as of March 31, 202...